Find an agency that combines marketing expertise with proven industry knowledge. 

Many aviation companies rely on small marketing departments, often a single person. Yet, the sheer number of marketing channels and connection points available today can be overwhelming, let alone developing the appropriate strategy and content unique to each. 

The bandwidth of one person (or even a few) is quickly stretched. This is where a marketing agency steps in. 

Take Some of the Load Off

Marketing agencies offer flexible and scalable solutions to fulfill or support the needs of your marketing plan or campaign(s). From lead generation web design to social media management to public relations, outsourcing projects to an agency saves you time to focus on other core aspects of your business. 

Collective expertise is joined, and a strategic partnership is formed. Bringing in an outside perspective can also lend itself to broader thinking and out-of-the-box ideas. The even bigger jackpot: Finding a marketing agency that already speaks your language.

No two businesses run exactly the same, and aviation especially comprises a niche industry with small pools of uniquely specific audiences. We commonly work with clients who sell directly to professional pilots, aircraft owners, charter passengers, aircraft brokers, maintenance directors, flight instructors and flight departments.

By enlisting an aviation-focused agency, companies join forces with a team who already understands the industry and the people within it.  

A Focus and a Passion

Aviation has been Greteman Group’s focus for decades. It all began with Bombardier Learjet as a major client in the 1990s, quickly uncovering the special aviation passion and opportunity right here in our home city of Wichita, the Air Capital of the World. 

Since then, our agency has worked with local and global brands covering all corners of aviation. We recognize the common aviation acronyms and aircraft models. We attend NBAA-BACE, regional forums, EAA Airventure and other key events. We know the industry publications, having built relationships with the reporters and editors over the years. 

As experts in aviation, we save you time and energy from needing to explain the ins and outs of the industry. Instead, our research and experience dives straight into your specific brand, business, competition and audience. 

Targeted Resources, Data-Driven Decisions

When faced with a vast, ever-evolving digital landscape, it helps to partner with an experienced aviation marketing agency that can see past the noise and hone in on what truly works for your unique marketing channels and business goals.   

We’ll bring added efficiency to your overall marketing plan using targeted resources and tools rather than casting a wide net with fingers crossed. Together, we’ll raise brand awareness, generate leads, and extend your reach with a strategic mix of content, including paid and earned media, along with social and client-generated content.

Then, we’ll track and measure using advanced analytics tools. These metrics help you make informed decisions, allowing you to refine your strategies for optimal results. Regular data monitoring and analysis makes it easier to identify what works and what needs improvement.

Aviation is Our World

Greteman Group serves clients across all major general and business aviation sectors, including OEMs, aircraft management, charter, flight training, UAS, airports, insurance, avionics, FBOs, inflight connectivity, MROs, parts suppliers…the list keeps expanding. 

From our base in the Air Capital, we don’t merely love aviation – we live it. Aviation runs deep in our roots, our city and our future. Reach out, and let’s discuss how we can help lift your aviation brand higher.