WBJ; The List: Women-owned businesses
09.20.13 · Greteman Group
September 20, 2013 Wichita Business Journal Stephanie Bloyd

Women-Owned Businesses
More than half of the women-owned businesses returning to our list of them this week reported a higher number of employees than they did in 2012.
And of the businesses we surveyed, 73 percent said they plan to hire in the next six to 12 months. Nearly half of those indicated they’d be hiring to increase staff, as opposed to maintaining current staffing levels.
Hundreds of women in the area seek to start their own businesses every year, according to Marcia Stevens, regional director of the Kansas Small Business Development Center, interviewed in a related article by Josh Heck.
Readers can now view a sample of our weekly lists online, while subscribers can see the full digital lists.
Foley Industries tops women-owned businesses list
Ranked by Number of Wichita-area employees full-time
Locally Researched by: Stephanie Bloyd, Wichita Business Journal
Top 25 women-owned businesses in the Wichita area as ranked by the Wichita Business Journal.
For complete list, please refer to Wichita Business Journal: Women-Owned Businesses © Wichita Business Journal, 2013