Transforming Aircraft Data Into Airline Action
07.03.18 · Greteman Group
Aviation Partners and iJet Technologies – two trusted, Seattle-based firms – launched a benchmark-raising joint venture called APiJET. We worked with these industry leaders on the aircraft data service’s brand development, messaging and rollout. APiJET’s data service turns an airliner into a Smart Aircraft™ (even a 20-year-old Boeing 757). Airlines tap into timely, logic-driven insights that help predict and prevent outcomes.
In mid-May, we assisted with a media day attended by a select group of aviation editors and reporters. A briefing and demo were followed by a field trip to meet with Aviation Partners legendary founder and CEO Joe Clark. The day also included an important announcement: the first airline (Icelandair) has fully deployed the service across its entire fleet. Following media day, six industry and local publications featured APiJET’s launch and full-fleet deployment on Icelandair airliners, including Aviation Week, Geekwire and Avionics.

The Thinking Behind the Mark
APiJET offers such a game-changing service, it demanded an equally strategic identity. The wordmark’s ascending “A” incorporates Aviation Partners’ legendary winglet, tying the next-gen innovation back to the highly respected company. The lowercase center “i,” communicates the interactive focus. A custom font and the bold red-blue color palette feels fresh and right for the commercial aviation market.
Smart Aircraft for Smart Operations
The client had two big international shows in June. First, the Airline & Aerospace MRO and Flight Ops IT Conference in Amsterdam, then the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Aviation Data Symposium & AI Lab in Berlin, where CEO John Schramm and CCO Tom Gibbons conducted a live demonstration. APiJET’s live demo of the data service on an Icelandair airline in Seattle, Washington, created buzz at the show, while our live-tweeting stateside of the events across the pond provided a one-stop image and information resource for news organizations on social media: Read the Real-Time #SmartAircraft Feed on Twitter.