How Does Your Website Score?
12.07.16 · Greteman Group
As you wade through all that obligatory end-of-year budgeting, no doubt you’re giving extra thought to your website and its increasingly vital role. Help’s arrived. Our agency’s created a free online tool that lets you score your site on five key areas: search-engine optimization (SEO), analytics, content, functionality and digital marketing. You can access it here.
Jargon No, Commonsense Yes
We understand that you’re busy. So we’ve kept this very high level. We haven’t tried to bamboozle you with tech talk. We’ve narrowed down our questions and simplified them to serve as a helpful guide. You ought to be able to zip through the scorecard in 10 to 15 minutes.
Each of the five areas has you answer five questions, then scores you on that area. It could be an interesting exercise to do with your team, too, prompting discussions that could lead to valuable insights.
Two-thirds of B2B marketers planned to invest in a responsive website design in 2016. Were you one of them? If you haven’t taken that step yet, then you really need to build that into your critical actions for 2017. You simply must ensure that your site functions optimally on all devices (smartphones, tablets, desktops) plus major browsers and operating systems.
But how your site works on multiple platforms is only a sliver of what you need it to do. It must attract leads. Deliver information fast. Showcase your competitive advantages. Sell your wares. All while building your brand and creating a positive experience that encourages people to stick around, share findings and engage.
Digital Moves at Mach 1 Speed
If 2016 flew by without significant digital examination, then make 2017 your year to prioritize and execute. You can’t afford to miss out on customers who are doing their research online. (And who isn’t?)
Investigate your status on search results. Deploy content-driven marketing strategies. Create unique landing pages for your print and digital advertising efforts, delivering a better experience to visitors and better metrics to you. Yes, it gets tricky, but getting it right reaps rewards.
Measure What Matters
So go ahead. Put your website to the test. The only caveat: to get an honest score, answer honestly. Hope you feel our checklist’s line of questioning leads you someplace good.

This column ran in the December 8th issue of BlueSky Business Aviation News.