A Breath of Fresh AIR
02.09.17 · Sonia Greteman
This is the fourth issue of AIR our team produced for Wichita Eisenhower Airport. A year ago, we were challenged to re-imagine the airport’s traditional enews. The new airport had a modern brand and warranted an interactive publication that kept pace.
Challenge accepted. We leveraged strategic content marketing to make this emagazine fly. This effective, workhorse marketing tool delivers immediate and long-term benefits. Content gets archived on the website, so it’s always searchable. Our optimization of search engines through key words and photo indexing continues to garner coveted online visitors. The content never stops working. It is available 24/7, heralding AIR’s message.
And the content itself? Well, it’s good. Real stories about real people from our community. Past features have ranged from the heart-tugging – a surprise reunion for a soldier and his mom; to the practical – packing tips from a globe-trotting business executive who always has a “go bag” ready.
Of course, what good is content unless it’s shared? We created an agile design to ensure AIR is simple to share on social channels. Our features frequently highlight well-known travelers with a wide social network. It makes sense to capitalize on that engagement without having to invest in a big media buy.
Keeping up with our audience continues to be a priority. More than 88 percent of our readers enjoy AIR on their mobile devices, easily navigating through the vibrant photos and eye-catching masthead that keep it fresh and teases season-appropriate content.
To date, visitors from 37 of our 50 states have enjoyed AIR. Since the first issue, it’s claimed 26,000 views and 19,000 new users.
Click on over to AIR and immerse yourself in the latest issue. Enjoy a virtual vacation as you plan your next memory-making, or business-building getaway. And, even though there’s a chill in the air, don’t be surprised if you catch the scent of spring.