Business as Usual Is a Missed Opportunity
01.28.15 · Greteman Group
Tried-and-true business methods built strong aviation companies with long histories of success. Quality products, exceptional service, integrity and reputation kept customers coming back. Members of the old guard have continued to hold fast to those four pillars, but is it enough for the next generation of research-driven, online buyers? The answer is, probably not.

Every year a CEO waits to invest in the company’s digital transformation the gap between what a modern customer wants and what the company is able to deliver online widens. Let’s take a look at what’s preventing some aviation companies from investing in their digital futures.
Old Stuff
Legacy technology, using old or outdated systems and platforms, is one of the most common barriers to improving the way aviation companies market and provide online tools and resources for their customers. Outdated browsers, like Internet Explorer 8, are still the norm at far too many aviation companies. Why? Because most, if not all, the company’s internal web applications and online business processes were built back when IE8 came out in 2009 and they cannot be viewed on any other browser. The cost and manpower to update all those applications is too high, resulting in a never-ending stalemate.

Maybe Later
Lack of urgency also plays a major role. The old adage – If it’s not broke, don’t fix it – tends to be the battle cry for many CEOs faced with tight budgets and big-ticket companywide initiatives. True digital transformation needs to start at the top. When leadership has a vision for improving the customer experience through technology, big things happen. New routes for conducting business emerge, new products and services get launched, and customers are happier because they can find the information, use a helpful tool and connect with people when and where they want.
Just Did That
Innovation fatigue, taking a technology break, is not an option. CEOs who adopt a complacent attitude toward technology will soon find themselves outpaced by the competition. Corporate leadership needs to be at the ready, prepared to tweak the digital roadmap. Whether deciding to invest big or starting with smaller projects and refining the company’s digital vision one project at a time, smart CEOs know that to win, you must continue pushing forward.

Featured at top: Dallas Airmotive built an engine on the NBAA 2014 show floor and later made the action available to viewers on its website via a two-minute time-lapse video.
This column ran in the January 29 issue of BlueSky Business Aviation News.