For those of us in business aviation, it’s hard to believe that our annual pilgrimage of NBAA-BACE is just over four months away. While that might seem like a long time, we’re fast approaching the go/no-go time if you are considering a new website prior to the event.

Take this time to assess whether you have a lead-generating website. Refreshing your site to strategically present your products and services compellingly gives customers a reason to interact.

Increasing web lead generation should be a top priority before your next aviation event. Keeping that goal in mind, we’ve provided 9 steps you should be taking to ensure your site is providing the impact it should be. 

Consider the following areas:

1. Analytics. Have you initiated advanced Google analytics so you understand the customer journey and actions with event tracking? Do you have clearly defined KPIs and metrics to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts on your sales goals?

2. SEO. Are keywords and content updated for SEO algorithms, and part of an overall lead gen strategy? Do they reflect the current focus of your products or industry priorities?

3. User Experience. Does the organization and flow of the site fully optimize customers’ awareness, consideration and conversion? Is your navigation streamlined and smart? Can your customers find what they are looking for, quickly? A user experience and interface (UX/UI) audit can help you understand the customer journey and recommended adjustments.

4. Updates. Do you have control of your lead-generation site and are able to update quickly and easily without a third party? Being able to proactively adjust your site in-house for events or thought leadership can make a big difference in generating leads.

5. List building. Are you using landing pages to publish content and drive your paid or organic leads back to your site? Are you capturing leads from your website, including customer data and building your own list when that happens? 

6. Inbound marketing. Are you currently driving social media and enewsletters back to your site? Are you monitoring your KPIs and metrics on a monthly basis to measure the effectiveness?

7. Competitor analysis. Have you looked at your top 5 competitors’ websites lately? How does the content and presentation compare to yours? Is yours more compelling and provocative?

8. Brand voice. Is your website copy succinct and written in your authentic brand voice highlighting the benefits of your company?

9. Conversions. What are the actions you want a prospect to take as you guide them through offerings? Clear calls to action engage and invite prospects to dig deeper and connect with you.

If it’s time to update your website before heading to Vegas, schedule an appointment with Ashley Bowen Cook or contact her at 1.316.396.0652 or [email protected].