Wichita Chamber Over the Years Award
It’s been a month of reflection and celebration. April 1 marked Greteman Group’s 33rd year of business, and three weeks later the Wichita Area Chamber of Commerce honored us with its Over the Years Award. The kind comments generated by both events have been gratifying – and humbling.

If you’re reading this column, chances are good you’ve been part of our journey, whether in ways large or small. So, let me begin by saying thank you. The just-starting-out me had no idea back in 1989 how invaluable each of you would be along the way. Believing in us. Giving us a chance. Acting as brand ambassadors through the best marketing channel that will ever exist – word of mouth. Your support has been the proverbial wind beneath our furiously flapping wings. It also has helped us realize to trust the faith you and others put in us and to enjoy the ride more than we probably used to. It’s a good feeling.
Visual Storytelling Conveys More
We’re advocates of showing not telling, so I hope you’ll watch the four-minute video Method Productions put together. They did a great job, capturing the essence of our passionate band of pros and sharing just enough of our work to give you an idea of what we do and who we do it for. They also talked to longtime friends Mike Michaelis, Emprise Financial Corp. chairman and Reuben Saunders Gallery co-owner, and Elizabeth King, WSU Foundation CEO. I’ve personally learned so much from these two change agents, which makes their endorsements mean that much more.
The Chamber’s Over the Years award acknowledges a longstanding track record of good corporate citizenship and major contributions to our area’s economic well-being. At Greteman Group, we’ve always believed in giving back and have donated significant funds and in-kind services to a variety of life-enriching, community-enhancing organizations and initiatives. Our aviation niche benefits our region, too, as 80 percent of our clients reside outside of Wichita. That draws new dollars to our hometown.

A Growing Tribe
The Chamber’s Honors Night tradition started nearly 60 years ago. Greteman Group will be added to the many names now gracing the Wall of Honor in the Chamber’s downtown headquarters. We like that.
The relationships we’ve built over the years make everything brighter and better. I’ll close by saying we’re thankful for what’s come our way and eager for the adventures still ahead.

2022 Wichita Chamber Honorees
You can learn about all the fabulous, difference-making 2022 honorees here.
• Uncommon Citizen – Dr. Pat Do
• Exceptional Young Leader – Andrea Hattan
• Spirit of Wichita – IMA, Inc.
• Over the Years – Greteman Group
• Keeper of the Plains – Fidelity Bank RISE Car Park
• Ad Astra – Riverfront Stadium