Rachel Groene
Brand director, Gretemen Group
Even before arriving at the Greteman Group branding agency, Groene had successfully sold one product – herself.
The Salina native won the prestigious Clay Barton Scholarship at Wichita State University, an award based on academic achievement, essays and many rounds of interviews. She hasn’t slowed down since graduation, rising from communications intern, brand coordinator and brand manager to her current job.
“I’ve grown up at the Greteman Group,” Groene, 24, said. “You’re just kind of working your way up the ranks of relationship managing with the client.”
Groene said she picked a career in marketing because she “always wanted to have a strategic element to the profession I entered, and still have a fun and creative way of doing that. I just love that marketing allows me to work with different individuals on a daily basis.”
Her clients include aviation industry outfits such as Flight Safety International and Signature Flight Support, and Vibe-It, a tech company. She admits to a particular liking for another client, the Kansas State Fair.
“I think the event embodies what Kansas is all about,” she said. “It brings music, it brings food, it brings education. And it’s in our backyard.”
February 19, 2014
Wichita Eagle
Joe Stumpe
© Wichita Eagle, 2014